HELP - Just 15 minutes away

Your worst fear?.. Its true?.. Budgets getting slashed?... New projects getting shelve?.. projects being re-evaluated?.. your renewal left hanging in the air?..

Feeling ==>CAUTIOUS,

Something is not quite right but not sure
where to start?

Scenario Sorter ==>
and you feel
  • angry - personal needs and boundaries not being expressed at work
  • disturbed - forced to breach own integrity to stay in the loop
  • worried - feeling future work choices drying up
Let the Scenario Sorter Help
  • Search and Destroy - hidden feeling of intimidation, limitation
  • Immunize against - external negative onslaught
  • Recover from - a fall
HELP - is just 15 Minutes away.


Here is a Help Sorter

Contract Expiry

Pushing My Buttons

I DO take it personal and nothing I do stops it.

This is a common problem that centers around passive/assertiveness that is perhaps better addressed using the power of assertiveness.

So feel free to
even if not available.
Simply describe your situation then lets talk about it.


Lets examine the full entrails (of power vent) and


[1] Career Question
[2] Self
[3] Situation
[4] Challenge/Opportunity
[5] Foundation
[6] Recent Past
[7] Higher Self
[8] Near Future
[9] Blocks/Inhibitions
[10] Allies
[11] Advice
[12] Ultimate Vision

HELP - is just 15 Minutes away.

Preparing to move

The decision has been made by you (OR for you)

and now need to prepare a list of tasks to ensure a smooth move.

So feel free to
even if not available.
Simply describe your situation then lets talk about it.

Leaving a Contract

This brings forth a sharp "pang" because leaving friends is never fun... not even for a contractor.. who learns to 'compartmentalize' feelings like grief, loss,concern AND PAIN... as they SAY GOODBYE to 'OTHERS' STILL on the PROJECT... to whom they HAVE PROVEN their WORTH and earned their ACCEPTANCE... that they will now need to build all over again

OR perhaps you are leaving on LESS than favorable terms and you don't wish to have that follow you on to your next contract.

Experience shows it is far healthier to welcome the discomfort in a simple, light grieving process in order to release, and let go and thereby clear your path in order to move forward into your next contract with nothing held back.

Step 1. SCAN the "ISSUE" column.... for 'uncomfortable' feelings like:
Concern - about what next
Discomfort - about leaving familiarity
Grief - leaving others behind
Annoyed - about the way it always is
Angry - about why you
Step 2. Press VIEW
Help - is just 15 minutes away

Starting New Contract

This brings forth a MIXED bag of:

euphoria, relief AND apprehension... as you MEET with 'OTHERS' on the PROJECT... to whom you must PROVE your WORTH all over AGAIN.

Step 1. SCAN the "ISSUE" column.... for 'uncomfortable' feelings like:
Concern - about what next
Discomfort - about not meeting expectations
Guilty - caught out on something you exaggerated a little in interview
Overwhelmed - about the size of the task, the lack of support and time to do it in
Annoyed - about the lack of documentation, standards, clarity, direction
Angry - about the contract brief being so unclear
Step 2. Press VIEW
Help - is just 15 minutes away